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  1. Obol Bowl
  2. Obolo
  3. Obol Birding

ELIZABETH KNOWLES 'obol.' The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. . 13 Jan. 2021 <>.

Obol came to Maker Michael Roberts while he was eating cereal that was too-quickly turning soggy. An online search for a solution turned up nothing. He knew he wasn’t alone in his love of crunchy cereal, so Michael got to work on a new idea. Surprisingly, it was a curved slide at a swimming pool that led to his never-soggy innovation. Definition of OBOL in the dictionary. Meaning of OBOL. What does OBOL mean? Information and translations of OBOL in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Obol is a Barleywine - English style beer brewed by DuClaw Brewing Company in Baltimore, MD. Score: 87 with 45 ratings and reviews.

ELIZABETH KNOWLES 'obol.' The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. . (January 13, 2021).

ELIZABETH KNOWLES 'obol.' The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. . Retrieved January 13, 2021 from

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Fund for Ornithology

OBA offers grants of up to $1,000 each for projects that further knowledge, education, enjoyment and science about birds and birding in Oregon.
Deadline is February 1, 2021.

Enter the February Photo Contest

January photo contest winner:
Bohemian Waxwing, photo by Gerald Meenaghan

Enter your listing results

Welcome to the new year! It is time to provide your listing results for 2020 or look back at results from previous years.

OBOLis a listserv dedicated to birding in Oregon, moderated by the OBA. All are welcome to subscribe and participate in discussions including rare bird alerts, species locations, upcoming events, etc.

Subscribe: . After subscribing you may post to OBOL:

Checklists of Oregon Birds

Oregon one-page checklist and alphabetical checklist.

County checklists sponsored by East Cascades Audubon Society.

Birding Locations

Oregon Birding Trails to follow throughout the state.

Birding by county
at over 1,000 Oregon locations.

  • Oregon Ecoregion Map

About Birds in Oregon

Join OBA! Membership in OBA brings you:

  • Oregon Birds, OBA’s biannual journal with news updates, status and identification of Oregon’s birds, stories about birding, and photos of rare Oregon birds.
  • Annual Meetings held at some of Oregon’s top birding spots include keynote speakers and local birding.
  • Field Trips for OBA members led by expert birders at locations all around Oregon.
Racism and Inclusion

OBA joins other birding and conservation organizations across the country in condemning the racism that endangers the lives of people of color in the United States as they go birding or just go about their daily lives. Read our statement on racism and inclusion in birding.

OBA on Facebook and Instagram

Obol Bowl


Visit us on Facebook and join the OBA Photos Group!
Share photos on Instagram – email to, or tag us in your Instagram post: @oregonbirding.

Oregon Breeding Bird Atlas

The largest, most comprehensive statewide inventory of birds ever conducted in Oregon is available online! Field surveys were conducted from 1995 through 1999, by over 800 volunteers.


The Oregon Birding Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, federal ID #93-0770831.

Obol Birding

Oregon Birding Association
PO Box 675
Lincoln City, OR 97367-0675
Contact OBA